“Justice” is the striking cover painted by Alex Ross for the comic, Justice. Led by Lex Luthor and Brainiac the villains of the Legion of Doom band together to save the world after a shared dream that seems to be a vision of the Earth’s demise. As their true motives unfold the Justice
League of America confronts the Legion and the two teams do battle.
Featured in the image are Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, Red Tornado, Hawkman, Plastic Man Braniac, Cheetah, Scarecrow, Captain Cold, Sinestro, Bizzaro, Clayface, Poison Ivy, Black Manta, The Riddler, Solomon Grundy, and Toy Man.
Each piece of “Justice” is hand numbered, and signed by Alex Ross. It is produced as a Fine Art Giclee on canvas in an edition of 50.